On-demand webinars

Headless Commerce IMPACT2
On-demand webinars
Why your next e-commerce platform should be headless
A master class in headless architecture
Live webinar with UX specialist Thomas Storgaard Grønne
On-demand webinars
Turn visitors into customers through the product page
A masterclass in making the product page ideal as a landing page, and an integrated part of the user journey.
Why you need an Order Management System
On-demand webinars
Take control of your inventory with an Order Management System
The best way to secure a unified commerce experience and drive up customer satisfaction
Live webinar: 10 ways to increase sales, now
On-demand webinars
10 ways to increase sales, now
Bytes of IMPACT: A practical approach to initiatives, tools and examples to drive growth and digital sales.
Webinar: B2B from a UX perspective
On-demand webinars
From products to services – A digital roadmap for B2B companies
Bytes of IMPACT: How to strengthen your competitive advantage through value-adding services.
Webinar: Introducing the post-covid-19 customer
On-demand webinars
Understanding the post-COVID customer
Bytes of IMPACT: How to adapt to your customers' changed behaviour and new digital needs.
Live webinar: Unified commerce – the future of commerce
On-demand webinars
Bytes of IMPACT: Best-in-class international brands behind the scenes - Ganni, Hummel, Decathlon, Crocs and more
Live webinar: Boost your b2b leadgeneration
On-demand webinars
Boost your B2B lead generation to more than 30% of your sales
Bytes of IMPACT: Learnings from a global success case. Response to the COVID-19 crisis - accelerate your sales for 2020.
Live webinar: Designing the IT architecture for the future in digital B2B/B2C commerce
On-demand webinars
Designing the IT architecture for the future in digital B2B/B2C commerce
Boost digital sales and CX with cloud tech, pace layered architecture and agile headless platform.
live webinar: Accelerate your B2B digital sales - sponsored by Episerver
On-demand webinars
Accelerate your B2B digital sales
Bytes of IMPACT: How to win in B2B through personalised experiences and smart B2B commerce tactics.
Live webinar: PIM Excellence - Speed up digital and boost your sales
On-demand webinars
PIM Excellence – Speed up digital and boost your sales
Bytes of IMPACT: Learn best practices to reduce time-to-market and increase customer experience with better product data.