Revitalising Retail – One sale at a time

In today’s competitive retail landscape, staying ahead is a constant game of fine-tuning and optimising. As proactive experts and thought leaders, we ensure you’re always up to speed – technologically, strategically, and commercially – helping you protect your margins and maintain growth.

We believe that knowledge is key to revitalising retail. Data and a deep understanding of consumers and their demands fuel our proven track record of omnichannel excellence and exceptional customer experiences.


Whether starting from scratch or refining existing strategies, we partner with retailers to build best-in-class composable solutions that accelerate time-to-market and drive tangible business outcomes. By leveraging our deep understanding of the retail landscape and technological expertise, we help our clients consistently outperform their competition while navigating the dynamic retail environment with accuracy and agility.

Most relevant cases

Case #1: Throughout our decade-long partnership, Imerco has evolved into a true omnichannel powerhouse, achieving over €70 million in digital revenue and increasing the digital share of revenue from 2% to 31%. 

Case #2: We’ve partnered with the renowned fashion brand Hugo Boss to enhance its global omnichannel experience. We can’t wait to apply our Omnichannel Index Framework to elevate their digital performance. 

Case #3: Transforming Zizzi into a thriving omnichannel player required a complete IT architecture overhaul. This has increased the share of revenue generated through the web shop to 70% and boosted the number of returning customers by 75%. 

Case #4: To accelerate Fråst’s expansion, we built a robust and scalable digital infrastructure, complete with OMS, website and marketing automation, to meet their business goals and ensure a fast go-live. 


The retail landscape is constantly evolving, with shifts in consumer behaviour, rising expectations, technological advancements and increasing regulatory and environmental demands.

Relevant Stats
  • 80% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands offering personalised experiences across all touchpoints. 
  • 65% of customers are likely to abandon a brand after a single poor experience. 
  • Consumers are willing to spend an average of 9.7% more on sustainably produced or sourced goods, even as cost-of-living and inflationary concerns weigh. 

Shoppers today seek more than just products – they expect personalised experiences, seamless service and sustainable practices from the brands they engage with. Whether online, in-store or through mobile channels, retailers face mounting pressure to adapt to these changing dynamics and stay ahead of the competition

As a retailer, you can probably recognise these challenges

  • #1 Delivering seamless and cohesive experiences across touch points. Successfully integrating online and offline channels can be difficult, often resulting in fragmented customer journeys. 
  • #2 Collecting and activating quality data. Many retailers struggle to provide personalised experiences that foster loyalty and meet customer expectations due to the challenge of managing data across multiple channels. 
  • #3 Meeting customer expectations for speed, convenience and accuracy. As customer expectations for fast delivery and instant gratification continue to rise, retailers must ensure proper inventory, order, and fulfilment management is in place. 
  • #4 Fostering customer loyalty in a competitive market. Consumers are more likely to switch brands if they don’t feel valued. Many retailers struggle with building loyalty that goes beyond monetary rewards, missing out on emotional connections and brand advocacy. 
  • #5 Navigating the regulatory maze. With legislation concerning data ethics, transparency, traceability, and accessibility in the mix, it’s no wonder that retailers can get lost in the regulatory landscape. 
  • #6 Driving business in a sustainable and responsible way. Customers and regulators now expect retailers to prioritise sustainability and responsible business practices, requiring brands to adapt their strategies to remain relevant and compliant. 


In response, leading retailers aren’t just keeping up – they’re setting new standards by embracing innovative strategies and technologies.

Mastering the art of seamless channel integration

Leading retailers focus on delivering a unified customer experience across all channels. They invest in technology that merges the digital and physical shopping journeys, ensuring customers experience consistent messaging, inventory availability, and service quality across all touchpoints.

Turning data into personalised experiences

Industry leaders centralise data across systems to avoid silos and gain a holistic view of customer behaviour. They implement integrated CRM solutions that consolidate customer data, offering a complete view of interactions to drive personalisation. By using predictive analytics, they anticipate customer needs and optimise marketing strategies, improving conversion rates and customer loyalty.

Delivering speed, accuracy and convenience

By prioritising real-time inventory management, leading retailers optimise stock levels and avoid stockouts. They use order management systems (OMS) to streamline fulfilment and offer click-and-collect services for added convenience. This ensures efficiency and improves the customer experience across channels.

Building emotional connections to foster lasting loyalty

In a crowded market, those that move beyond traditional loyalty schemes will be the real winners. Because this approach fosters emotional connections driven by exclusive experiences and community-feel, ensuring long-term loyalty and repeat purchases.

Navigating regulations to drive trust and compliance

Retailers must ensure compliance by implementing strong data protection measures, maintaining transparency in data usage and conducting regular audits to build trust.

With new legislation like Digital Product Passports on the rise, forward-thinkers are adopting solutions for full product traceability. At the same time, they ensure that their platforms meet WCAG standards, creating inclusive and accessible shopping experiences for all.

Leading the way with sustainable practices

Sustainability is no longer optional – it’s a key differentiator. Leading retailers are integrating resale programmes, repair services, and circular economy initiatives to reduce waste and extend product life cycles. These strategies meet growing consumer demand for eco-friendly options while setting the brand apart from competitors.


As a digital consultancy, we provide a 360-degree view of retail, leveraging our extensive work with numerous top retailers across Europe to equip you for lasting success. Our services span five areas:

Strategy & Growth 

If you focus too much on just your own business, you may miss a coherent understanding of your competitive landscape. And when broad industry insights elude you, your KPIs can—and most likely will—suffer. 

From A to Z, we understand every facet of the retail industry. Once we get to know you and your organisational incentives, we apply our extensive omnichannel experience to push you forward with bold, growth-creating roadmaps and provide what no one else can: a proper KPI benchmark. 


We’ve said it before, but it bears repetition: the key to commercial and cultural growth is to know your customers. If you don’t understand their behaviour, how could you possibly offer them relevant experiences? 

Our retail blueprint enables you to create stunning customer experiences and brand moments. Through mystery shopping, we literally try out your customer journey, which helps us define solutions and create the high-converting, loyalty-driving experiences consumers want—and need—now. 

Data-driven Marketing

Get your data in order. Then, you can start making the most of it. While this is much easier said than done, modern retailers need to get their data use going now to remain competitive.

We help companies solve the data conundrum. This involves not only organising and analysing your data but also leveraging tools like Google Analytics to track and interpret your online performance. Here, it’s essential to optimise SEO, refine paid advertising strategies and use customer insights to personalise experiences. 

Advisory & Architecture

Once we learn what makes your business unique, we can create true value by using proven methods to address and simplify the internal aspects crucial for delivering top-tier products and experiences to your customers.

It’s all about securing the optimal IT structure. Keeping your KPIs in mind, our Accelerator—a scalable framework built on best practices to help businesses take the lead in digital transformation—is ideal for implementing composable solutions that offer the flexibility required to support internal needs. 

Platforms & Engineering

It’s no secret that retailers often struggle with ensuring long-term technical stability, quick implementation of solutions and faster time-to-market. But why risk relying on gut feeling when you can build on over 100,000 hours of accumulated knowledge? 

Our roster and numerous long-term partnerships attest to our experience in driving – and accelerating – crucial and high-quality IT delivery for retailers big and small. By leveraging our experience and constant professional curiosity, we propel your business forward. 


A partner is not just a customer or a mere contractual obligation, it’s a team of human beings. When both parties invest fully in the relationship, we develop and succeed together. 

At IMPACT Commerce, we always start out by asking: What would we do if we were you? Taking this approach means that we dive deep into your situation, enabling us to take ownership of the process and drive real value for your business.