Bog & Idé responding to competition with a new hybrid app

We’ve helped Bog & Idé develop an all-in-one app that combines audiobook streaming, online shopping, and a digital customer universe.


in App Store & Google Play



6 million DKK

increase in revenue


engagement rate




orders in app

02. WORK
All-in-one app

Shopping, streaming & customer club


omnichannel experience


customer loyalty


Meeting new customer demands

With a mission to provide personal experiences in a market dominated by big players, Bog & Idé saw an opportunity to revamp its online presence and add another touch point to the customer journey. 

The bookstore receives 70% of its traffic from mobile devices and is beginning to experience the effects of the growing streaming market. In fact, CEO Marianne Lyngby Pedersen estimates that 10% of the book market has shifted to streaming. Therefore, it was obvious that the next step in the chain’s omnichannel strategy was to develop an app that provides a frictionless shopping experience on mobile devices along with the option to stream audiobooks. 


A customer-centric hybrid solution

We partnered up with Bog & Idé to develop a hybrid app that combines audiobook streaming, online shopping, and a digital customer universe – the first of its kind in the market.

Based on three large market studies, that assesses more than 2,500 customers’ reading habits, shopping patterns and search behaviour around books, we mapped out Bog & Idé’s customer journey. With this in mind, we developed a user-friendly app that boasts a contemporary and intuitive design. 

The app is developed on React Native – a mobile open-source framework with full synchronisation of data from Bog & Idé’s Sitecore platform as well as Raptor’s personalisation engine. This means that the app operates on the same backend and order engine as the web shop which allows data to flow between the different platforms. This helps to ensure a streamlined and frictionless user experience across the omnichannel. 

In addition to this, the flow of valuable customer data on reading behaviour and trends allows Bog & Idé to inspire users with personalised recommendations and relevant campaigns, ensuring a great customer experience. 

The results have been quite impressive. Since launch in June 2022, the app has contributed to increased turnover and has had more than 1.1 million sessions distributed amongst 92k users. In short: customers spend more time with Bog & Idé and buy more. 

Creating revenue through increased customer loyalty

Customers can choose to either browse the app as anonymous users or subscribe to the customer club for a monthly fee of 89 DKK. Club members get access to more than 30,000 streaming titles and have their own personal side, where they can get an overview of receipts from purchases placed both online and in physical stores. Moreover, they get access to benefits such as free shipping, 25% return deposit on bestsellers, 90-day satisfaction guarantee on children’s and youth books and other exclusive offers.  

The customer club is implemented to enhance loyalty and ensure ongoing engagement with the core target group – and with an engagement rate of 77%, it is safe to say that Bog & Idé has succeeded in this. In 2022, around 95% of the revenue created in the app came from customer club members and there was a retention rate of 75%. Focusing on enhancing customer loyalty does really pay off!

A competitive edge

No other bookstore or streaming service offers a solution that combines audiobook streaming, e-commerce, and a loyalty concept in one app, which gives Bog & Idé a strong competitive advantage. In fact, the bookstore manages to grow despite its high price profile in a very competitive market, where price is increasingly perceived as the most important parameter.  

The success of Bog & Idé’s app is a testament to the fact that in a market dominated by big players, local businesses can thrive by embracing digital transformation and delivering personalised, exceptional experiences to their customers.   

05. The fine print

About Bog & Idé

Bog & Idé is Denmark’s largest bookstore chain with 116 stores across Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. In 2021, the chain had an annual turnover of 1.3 billion DKK.  

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Ida Weber Carlsen | IMPACT Team